If you click on the “clients” icon on the network map, you can then see the list of clients or devices that are connected or have been connected. Some will display both and will show them as active or inactive. It also shows a name for them, their IP address, and the device’s ...
得先用startWifi 成功后调用wx.onWifiConnected
小程序 Bug onWifiConnected 微信安卓客户端 8.0.32 2.30.2 微信外切换wifi是可以正常通过onWifiConnected监听的。 但是在华为mate10,鸿蒙系统2.0.0的机型下,先通过wx.connectWifi连接指定wifi,系统会弹出【微信搭配使用的设备】的弹窗,确认后成功连接指定热点,但是onWifiConnected没有对应回调监听代码 回答关注问题...
my other devices are connected and iphone as well ! I dont know where to find this thing ! On router too its does not say anything . 2 years ago 3608 2 What is a WPA2 Password? Why is my iMac asking for a wpa2 password to sign into WiFi? I don’t have this problem with o...
connectToWifi(ssid, pwd, ip, gw, mask, dns, bssid, chnl); SPIFFS.begin(); server.on("/heap", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){ request->send(200, "text/plain", String(ESP.getFreeHeap())); }); server.serveStatic("/", SPIFFS, "/").setDefaultFile("index.html");...
qa.connectWifi WifiInfo 联系人 qa.addPhoneContact 低功耗蓝牙 qa.writeBLECharacteristicValue qa.readBLECharacteristicValue qa.onBLEConnectionStateChange qa.onBLECharacteristicValueChange qa.offBLEConnectionStateChange qa.offBLECharacteristicValueChange qa.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange...
Describe the bug I followed the steps in sidestore.io and when i try to refresh the sidestore app, it says Unable to connect to device, make sure Wireguard is enabled and you’re connected to wifi. No matter how many times I turned on and...
or anything else that may not be evident. You may check if other devices can connect to the WiFi network. If yes, then there’s a problem with your device. Check your internet speed on a reliable speed test website, check if your ADSL cable is properly connected to the router or the...
On a friend's Huawei router both devices seemed ok. Because of this I gave up trying to fix it some time ago. I suspect it may be a weird compatibility issue with Samsungs wifi hardware. Btw, no other devices on my network have this issue. Unfortunately Samsung`s solutions never went ...
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