以官方的一个例子,即我们打开 Salesforce 移动应用程序访问您的 Salesforce 数据时,进行Oauth授权流程更好的说明。 详情描述如下:salesforce除了网页端访问以外,还可以进行手机端访问。比如我们手机端下载了salesforce app,第一次操作时,输入账号密码登录想要获取sf的数据,我们这时就会启动一个Oauth2.0的授权流程。在这个...
以官方的一个例子,即我们打开 Salesforce 移动应用程序访问您的 Salesforce 数据时,进行Oauth授权流程更好的说明。 详情描述如下:salesforce除了网页端访问以外,还可以进行手机端访问。比如我们手机端下载了salesforce app,第一次操作时,输入账号密码登录想要获取sf的数据,我们这时就会启动一个Oauth2.0的授权流程。在这个...
前边我们开发好Heroku程序,在Salesforce中要如何使用呢,下边一种方法是做成一个ConnectedApp,然后在Lightning中做迁移跳转。 登录用户的Profile中需要设置有效化 效果展示:↓↓↓
salesforce. permissionsetname string specifies the permissions required to perform different functions with the connected app. available in api version 46.0 and later. you can assign multiple permission sets to the connected app, but you must enter each permission set name on a separate line. you...
New Salesforce Connected Vehicle App Helps Automakers Quickly Build and Deliver Connected Car Features and Services August 20, 20247 min read
您可以使用Connected App代表外部应用程序请求访问Salesforce数据。要让已连接的应用程序请求访问,它必须使用OAuth 2.0协议与Salesforce API集成。 OAuth 2.0:允许用户提供一个令牌,而不是用户名和密码来访问他们存放在特定服务提供者的数据 您可以使用带有SAML 2.0的已连接应用程序来将服务提供者与您的Salesforce org集成...
The ROI of Building Apps on Salesforce How businesses reduce app development time by 50% when they build on Salesforce. Download the white paper Get a taste of all the action at Dreamforce THE ROAD TO DREAMFORCE DAY ONE Lightning platform Keynote: now building apps is everyone’s business....
Getting the Bearer Token for a Connected App Example Connected Apps for End Users External Organization Access Trusted Salesforce Organizations Allowlisting Trusted Domains Audit Logs Anypoint Platform Access FAQs Troubleshoot Access Management Anypoint CLI 4.x Current version4.xPrevious versions3.x Any...
salesforce with partners, apps, solutions, and consultants. about our partners explore appexchange explore partner apps explore consultants become a partner customer success back customer success reach your goals with our customer success experts. see all services success plans get the right level of ...
PROBLEM When trying to set up a Connected App in the Anypoint Platform to allow Salesforce to call MuleSoft APIs (via Salesforce External Services as docum...