D:\mysql-5.5.28-win32>bin\mysql -uhct -P3308 -h10.159.156.50 -ptest ERROR 1129 (HY000): Host 'TFARMER-MYSQL.wh.oracle.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' 3. All bets are off if you use –skip-name-resolve Because this is all ...
I would like to keep using Firefox. I like it. However, I get this message on too many sites to put up with it any longer. If it isn't adjusted in the next update, I will strongly consider switching browsers permanently. Even Safari allows me to continue to the site - certificate ...
Closed Unable to connect to GlobalProtect VPN (through Okta) with ESP or HTTPS I'm having trouble connecting to my company's VPN server with openconnect. I've tried the master branch, the 8.02 tag, and the 8.05 tag. Currently: ~/bin (master ✘)✹✭ ᐅ openconnect -v No server ...