Bug report OS CentOS 7.5 Wazuh version 3.7.1 Wazuh API version 3.7.1 Install type agent Install method RPM Log sample ossec.conf 2018/12/10 16:47:36 ossec-agentd: INFO: Agent is restarting due to shared configuration changes. 2018/12/10 ...
解决kibana启动时:3005 - wrong protocol being used to connect to the wazuh api 和 Wazuh API seems to be dow,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
strong-agent-statsd strong-build strong-caching-http-client strong-cluster-connect-store strong-cluster-control strong-cluster-tls-store strong-deploy strong-log-transformer strong-mesh-models strong-mq strong-nginx-controller strong-npm-ls strong-pm strong-pubsub-bridge strong-pubsub strong-registry ...