BraveWallet]: injectedConnector, [Connector.WalletConnect]: walletConnectConnector, [Connector.WalletConnect]: walletConnectV2Connector, [Connector.CoinbaseWallet]: coinbaseWalletConnector, [Connector.TrustWallet]: injectedConnector, [Connector.BinanceChainWallet]: binanceChainWalletConnector,...
Content Story Priority Status Details Add SIWE to sign-in via Wallet Connect High ✍️ User Story Review The connection establishment flow with dApps implementing the sign in is fragile without implementing SIWE. SIWE allows the user to ea...
previewTransaction}=transactionPreviewModule({// Optional: Require balance change approval prior to sending transaction to wallet// Defaults to true// requireTransactionApproval?: false// i18n?: i18nOptions - Internationalization options})awaitinit({/*** Blocknative API key (https://explorer.blocknati...
1. test_wallet_add_remove_watch_only_account, id: 727232 Device 1: Find `EditBox` by `accessibility id`: `add-address-to-watch` Device 1: Type `0x8d2413447ff297d30bdc475f6d5cb00254685aae` to `EditBox` critical/ in test_wallet_add_remove_watch_only_account sel...
Description Adds support for Wallet Connect v2. Linear ticket: Scre...