Lastly, please attach this file via the GitHub web interface as emailed responses will strip files out from the issue. Happy coding! VSCodeTriageBot added the info-needed label Jun 5, 2024 Author Heet-Sheth commented Jun 10, 2024 Sure, here is a gif recording of the issue. Gdrive link...
VSCode stops responding unless I launch it having set the password-store to basic. From the logs this is where it stops responding: [50375:0212/005025.541478:INFO:CONSOLE(643)] "%cTRACE color: #888 [mainThreadSecretState] Getting password for vscode.github-authentication extension: github.auth"...
在vscode中创建vue项目,跟着网上的教程走,到了vue init webpack name这一步就报了错误: vue-cli · Failed to download repo vuejs-templates/webpack: connect ETIMEDOUT 网上搜了一下,都说改host,实际上就是vue-templates/webpack这个包需要FQ才能下载,后来在gitee上看到了这个帖子: https:...
问题1: GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ECONNREFUSED" 解决方式: dns中添加8.8.8.8,然后重启vscode,再不行重启电脑。 问题2: GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "Failed to get copilot token" 解决...
GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ECONNREFUSED" 最近vscode 打开驾驶员的时候发现登不上了,自己看了下原来是需要配置 hosts 文件。 mac:找到 访达 -> Shift + Command + G -> 调出对话框后输入 /etc/hosts -> 在当前文件夹用 vim 或其他...
#创建并进入文件夹 mkdir ncs cd ncs # 初始化仓库(从github拉取) west init -m v2.4.2 # 也可选择其他分支或tag,如: # west init -m main # 但通常不建议用户使用main分支 ...
1.下载模板 在下载webpack-simple 或 webpack。 如何下载 比如: 到点Clone or Download 里的 Download ZIP 不能上github? 下个lantern或者挂V**访问外国网站,此处不赘述 ...
anyway, here is my reporduction step 1. go to chromechrome://inspect/#extensions 2. inspect "JetBrains IDE Support" 3. error is "Cannort create item with duplicate id" This occurs I believe when you try to restart the debug mode with several breakp...
GitHubConnectionRepoModel GitHubConnectionReposBatchRequest GitImportFailedEvent GitImportGitSource GitImportRequest GitImportRequestParameters GitImportStatusDetail GitImportSucceededEvent GitImportTfvcSource GitItem GitItemDescriptor GitItemRequestData GitLastChangeItem GitLastChangeTreeItems GitMerge GitMergeOperation...
random documentation coders life atom vscode 2 1 zorig 545 7y Ha ha when i do QA i laugh a lot because some people's code is better than those silly jokes. rant qa code review joke 1 cha-m-ra 1052 7y I'm not a good person random 9 1 cha-m-ra 1052 7y I forgot...