VSCode stops responding unless I launch it having set the password-store to basic. From the logs this is where it stops responding: [50375:0212/005025.541478:INFO:CONSOLE(643)] "%cTRACE color: #888 [mainThreadSecretState] Getting password for vscode.github-authentication extension: github.auth"...
The UrlHandlerAuthenticationFlow (the regular flow) is disable, because the extension only allows it for supported clients ('vscode', etc., see https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/013132a5cde7733e8fc59f633c03018ca08db9a1/extensions/github-authentication/src/common/env.ts#L22) 'theia', wh...
3 What is the purpose of the "remote name" when adding a remote to VSCode -2 how to update my own project on github 1 Github Push failed: Failed with error: RPC failed; curl 56 LibreSSL SSL_read: error:140943FC:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 0 VS Cod...
GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ECONNREFUSED" 最近vscode 打开驾驶员的时候发现登不上了,自己看了下原来是需要配置 hosts 文件。 mac:找到 访达 -> Shift + Command + G -> 调出对话框后输入 /etc/hosts -> 在当前文件夹用 vim 或其他...
I started getting this message with v1.57.0 when trying to run a Vue project. Long story short: I usually have my DEBUG CONSOLE window docked inside to the right of my TERMINAL (powershell), and upon opening VSCode it wouldn't be visible and I'd get this message after buil...
问题1: GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ECONNREFUSED" 解决方式: dns中添加8.8.8.8,然后重启vscode,再不行重启电脑。 问题2: GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "Failed to get copilot token" ...
For macOS, you need to install OpenSSL, which is a prerequisite for .NET Core that mssql extension uses. Open your terminal and enter the following commands to install brew and OpenSSL.SQL Copy ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" ...
GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ECONNREFUSED" 最近vscode 打开驾驶员的时候发现登不上了,自己看了下原来是需要配置 hosts 文件。 mac :找到 访达 -> Shift + Command + G -> 调出对话框后输入 /etc/hosts -> 在当前文件夹用 vim 或其...
4.6 在VScode点击Open an existing application在添加我们写得hello wordl工程 添加最小应用工程 添加完成 然后和第一节的生成点灯工程一样,配置nRF5340DK主板,编译,然后下载到开发板中 下载手中有的开发板 然后在终端中观察串口发送的printk,波特率115200,没有校验位 ...
4.6 在VScode点击Open an existing application在添加我们写得hello wordl工程 添加最小应用工程 添加完成 然后和第一节的生成点灯工程一样,配置nRF5340DK主板,编译,然后下载到开发板中 下载手中有的开发板 然后在终端中观察串口发送的printk,波特率115200,没有校验位 ...