1. Turn your PIXMA TS3520/TS3522 off. 2. On your iPhone, please open the App Store to download and install: Canon PRINT 3. Once installed, if the app is open on your iPhone, please close it. 4. Turn your PIXMA TS3520/TS3522 back on. "0" should...
To connect your PIXMA TS3520 / PIXMA TS3522 to your wireless network, you can use an app available from the Google Play Store. To do this, please follow these steps: 1. Turn your PIXMA TS3520/TS3522 off. 2. On your Android phone (or tablet), pl...
my canon TS3522 printer will not connect. Computer cannot find printer, says its offline when it is on. All steps Canon suggests for MG3000 to connect are not working. Computer cannot find printer, says its offline when it is on. All steps Canon suggests for MG3000 to connect are not ...
Rittal 压铸锌 手柄,带组合 7200800, 使用于TS IT 机柜 制造商零件编号:7200800品牌:Rittal库存编号:826-2786 搜索 SKF 角接触 滚珠轴承 7200 BE, 3.35kN 静态负荷, 10mm 内径, 30mm 外径 制造商零件编号:7200 BE品牌:SKF库存编号:339-8350 搜索 www.szcwdz.cn 查看更多相关产品 参考图片 型号/品牌 描述...