How do I connect a wpf application to sqlite database How do I create a "Please Wait..." window using WPF/C#? Window opens but text doesn't show... How do I create a chart in WPF? How do I create a combobox column in a DataGrid using a DataTable to Bind to the DataGrid? H...
In this example we specify the “-S” parameter to identify the server we are connecting to and the “-d” parameter to specify the database. The “-E” parameter tells the utility to use windows authentication to connect (this is the default). Once connected, we can start interactively ...
Cannot add sqlite3.dll as a reference Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'method group' Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Cannot await 'Void' Cannot cast DBNull.Value to System.Decimal error in LINQ Cannot chang...
ODBC Overview An ODBC driver enables applications such asGeniusConnect, Microsoft Excel or Power BI and programming languages to access data in database management systems through the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface using the SQL language. The ODBC API is independent of any DBMS, program...
The UOB application uses Intel® AMT through RPC on the edge device, RPS, MPS, Sample Web UI features in conjunction with Azure IoT Services like Event Handler, Device Management SDK and SQLite* database on the Cloud. This application acts as server and the IoT edge device acts as remote...
* Add Grid Code support * Add sustain voltage settings * Add ESS Ac Power setpoint setting * Improve the overview main widget * Add phase rotation settings * Show the AC Input connection status in the overview main widget * Add “Low SOC” alarm * Move mode setting to the general settings...
Remove maximum 500MB sqlite3 backlog file size Show conversion progress Add cancel button MPPT Solar Chargers: Add firmware v1.54 (non-mandatory): Fix load output briefly turning off when charger is enters low power mode, introduced on v1.52 on SmartSolars. Improve error 38 detection for...
ConnectingString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data source=\\fileserver\Departments\BI_Manuals\MDB\dbODMIS.accdb; "Persist Security Info=False" Any suggestion will be appreciated? I guess that it is 64 bit vs 32 bit issue. but i am unable to get a...
The UOB application uses Intel® AMT through RPC on the edge device, RPS, MPS, Sample Web UI features in conjunction with Azure IoT Services like Event Handler, Device Management SDK and SQLite* database on the Cloud. This application acts as server and the IoT edge device acts as remote...
First I tried as, in VB, using Data tab -> Add Data source -> New connection -> MS SQL Sever database file -> Select the database as I created in SQL server 2008 and then test the connection. Connection is tested properly. then I am not able to use that data source in my code...