This document contains information on the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manger (ILOM) 3.0 for the Oracle Sun Fire X2270 M2 server.
See How to Apply Standby Power for Initial Service Processor Configuration. Using a client system, access a command line and establish a Secure Shell (SSH) connection over the network with the following command: ssh user_name@sp_ip_address Where user_name is the name of an existing Oracle ...
I am using a virtual machine with Compaq visual Fortran under Windows XP because I need to compile a F project using the SQL tools from Canaima. My code works with Oracle/MySWL dbs. Now I want to move to Visual Studio and the Intel Fortran Compiler, but I do not know how to con...
SQL*Plus is an interactive query tool installed automatically when you install Oracle Database Server or Client. SQL*Plus has a command-line interface that allows you to connect to the Oracle Database server and execute statements interactively. If you have worked with MySQL or PostgreSQL, SQL*p...
If you use conn:merge{} to connect the remote host is specified as part of the name parameter in the conn:merge{} command itself. function main() local conn = db.connect{ api=db.ORACLE_OCI, name='Oracle EZCONNECT string', user='your_login', password='secret', use_unicode = true,...
grant LOGMINING to roma_logminer_privs;can be added only if the Oracle version is 12c. Otherwise, delete this row. Run the following command to create userLogMiner: create userroma_logmineridentified bypassworddefault tablespace users; grantroma_logminer_privstoroma_logminer; alter userroma_logminer...
Install an Oracle client on the ArcGIS client machine, set environment variables that reference the Oracle client, and connect to the database from the ArcGIS client.
This week we made Arm-based servers available in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, including a generous free offering with 4 cores and 24 GB of RAM of Ampere A1 Compute as part of our Always Free tier. Todd Sharp wrote a cool blog post showing how to create y
Replace the placeholders with the credentials of your Oracle Database Cloud Service instance: { "services": [{ "name": "<your-instance-name>", "type": "DBAAS", "username": "<your-db-username>", "password": "<your-db-user-password>" }] } Open a command-line (or ...
大致分析:1,你可以用sqlplus username/password@sid 在服务器端测试下,验证当前密码是否有误;2,PL/SQL能连接并操作数据库,说明你本机和服务端的连接时没有问题的,问题很有可能出在你的make文件中;最好能把报错的ORA信息贴出来。