hello. i have recently been having an issue with obs blade or other websocket tools not wanting to connect to obs. i have done everything i can think of with no luck. it is connected to the same internet. the device shows up briefly in websocket settings but fails to connect. obs is...
Hi there! After a lot of fiddling, I've figured a way to connect OBS with automation platforms like Integromat and Zapier. I want to say that I am aware that there are better solutions out there, that will allow for more functionality, like using obs-websocket and building APIS, or usin...
● OBS to OBS ● Kafka to Kafka ● Data read and write: 1 million records ● Data migration volume: 1 GB The APIC specifications are obtained by testing in the following conditions: ● Backend type: shubao ● Connection: persistent/short connection ...
● OBS to OBS ● Kafka to Kafka ● Data read and write: 1 million records ● Data migration volume: 1 GB The APIC specifications are obtained by testing in the following conditions: ● Backend type: shubao ● Connection: persistent/short connection ...
WebSocket database When you create a data integration task and set Parse to Yes, Parsing Path in Metadata must be configured. Otherwise, the task will fail. Relational database A maximum of 10 million data records can be synchronized. Composite task (CDC) Source Scheduled: MySQL, Oracle, SQ...
Szyfrowanie End-to-End Cała komunikacja pomiędzy serwerem Nuclias Cloud a urządzeniami Nuclias jest zabezpieczona za pomocą websocket przez SSL. Kontrola dostępu z podziałem na pełnione funkcje i uprawnienia Możliwość przypisania różnych uprawnień użytkownikom w...
Output to multiple sources with one request (Output Mapping) Multi-value (array, union) parsed output capture, object unpacking (via Inja) Dynamic input aggregations (time-based, "empty"-based) Websocket support Coming soon: Authentication (Basic, Digest, OAuth) ...
waitForDmRestServices( getCurrentPort()); // Try to connect to our web socket. WebSocketClient client = new WebSocketClient(); TestWebsocket socket = new TestWebsocket(); try { client.start(); URI echoUri = new URI( "ws://localhost:" + getCurrentPort() + "/roboconf-dm-webso...
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar. Example 1Source File: MQTTOverWebSocketTest....