165 static files copied to '/home/django/static'. 2023-02-13 09:09:29,251 DEBG 'runserver' stdout output: Successfully ran command. 2023-02-13 09:09:29,253 DEBG 'runserver' stdout output: Server URL :http://localhost:8080/
(4)添加软连接 进入/usr/lib/jvm ln 配置生效 source /etc/profile 二、安装配置tomcat / (1)进入到/usr/local目录下 下载wget https://mirror.bit.edu.cn/apache/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.33/bin/apache-tomcat-9.0.33.tar.gz (2)解压 tar zxvf apache-tomat-9.0.33.tar.gz (3)启动tomcat cd bin...
I deployed the atsea-sample-shop-app using the instructions provided but when I try to connect to localhost:8080 I get an error. How can I get past this error? siddjain@goldenrwr-ca0:~/atsea-sample-shop-app$ curl http://localhost:8080 curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port...
http 访问curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused 先浏览器访问 http://localhsot:8080/trip/1234 访问拒绝 查看防火墙也放开浏览器了写回答1回答ccmouse 2021-06-27 这个是不是后来去掉 go 就好了? https://class.imooc.com/course/qadetail/294219 0 hiugemei hp>是的老...
It is possible to bind and connect to localhost:8080 at the same time - application server will probably compete with some other software on the port I'm pretty sure, that I don't have any other ...
应用启动失败,查看 tomcat 的日志
java.net.connectexception:failed to connect to localhost/ 8080) after 5000ms:isconnected failed:econnrefused(connection refused) 出现此问题的解决方法: 将Android请求的ip地址改为电脑ip,而不是tomcat服务器的默认ip( 例如:我这里原先请求路径:,...
Failed to connect to localhost port 8080 after 0 ms: Connection refused - DOCKER VSCode I'm trying to use docker with VScode using my mac (mac OS Monterey) and it always shows "Failed to connect to localhost port 8080 after 0 ms: Connection refused". Could anyone help? thank you much ...
POST http://localhost:8080/api/authentication org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to localhost:8080 [localhost/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused) But every other test works (browser, telnet, other REST clients...). Integrated REST client...
Is reportserver is on same host where you deploying report? as you are using URL: http://localhost:8080/ReportServer Try to open URL: http://localhost:8080/ReportServer and see if it working or not? Cheers Sunil Gure Friday, ...