Connect to SQL Server local account using "Windows Authentication". 1> Right-click on local database, Properties-> Security -> Check "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode", click "OK". 2> Under local database, navigate to Security -> Logins -> Right-click sql server account "sa", ...
If you are trying to connect to a local database, try changing the Server value in your connection string from huozhiyong to localhost. Also make sure that your username/password is valid. I am assuming that you ran your code in the debugger and...
(provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 50 - Local Database Runtime error occurred. Error occurred during LocalDB instance startup: SQL Server process failed to start. And this message comes up in the event viewer Windows API call WaitForMultipleObjects returned error code: 575. Windows ...
遵循第二个过程,创建一个包含到远程计算机中 SQL Server 配置管理器的链接的文件。 备注 远程连接时,Configuration Manager 无法执行某些操作。 若要在其他计算机上启动、停止、暂停或恢复服务,也可以连接到安装有 SQL Server Management Studio的服务器,右键单击此服务器或 SQL Server 代...
To accommodate record locking in a Windows NT server environment, it is necessary to set the BDE's localShare parameter to "true".NoteIf you're creating a new ODBC alias, you must define its DSN before you can connect to that database....
In Visual Studio select TOOLS > Connect to Database... For Server Name enter (localdb)\v11.0. If it didn't work, use the Instance pipe name that you copied earlier. You can also use this to connect with SQL Management Studio.
(provided: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40- Could not open a connection to the SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2).It is a disturbing scenario where the user needs to connect with database and get the SQL Server Management error. Without resolving this technical glitch, you ...
My solution, from an Admin Visual Studio CMD prompt:
It may mean that this step is configured to use a database that existed when the step was created but has later been dropped. Reference: see this blog:
Learn how to select which protocol sqlcmd uses to communicate with SQL Server. The choices are: TCP/IP, named pipes, and shared memory.