如果安装了git ,查看jenkins里配置的git目录是否正确: Manage Jenkins --Global tool Configuration -- Git --Path to Git executable:填入git的安装目录, git的安装目录获取方式:whereis git ,要精确到 /bin/git
第一次提交,显示创建了repositories,但是代码push不上,之后我删除了相应的repositories,再次提交,出现:Can't connect to repository from configured remote. You could want to check .git config.Do you want to proceed anyway? 解决办法:关闭Pycharm,进入项目文件夹,查看隐藏文件,可以看到.git文件夹,进入后查看co...
在jenkins新建工程,配置源码管理时,发现输入gitlab的Repository URL,总会抛出一个错误: 后来在网上各种百度,终于找到了一篇比较靠谱的文章,顺着文章的提示,去Manage Jenkins—Global Tool Configuration里面查看 发现找不到git.exe,因为我的jenkins是装在本地的,git是cmder自带的,因此可能jenkins的环境变量下没有找到 这...
**Failed to connect to repository Command git ls-remote -h https gitlab.chinamcloud.compcspcs_api.git HEAD returned status code 128 fatal: repository ‘https://…’ not found** 问题解决解决 首先出现这个报错很无厘头,大部分gitlab项目的拉取是正常的,但是极个别项目无法拉取到,让人摸不着头脑; ...
image.png 在Kind中选择SSH Username with private key,下面的Private Key选择Enter directly直接输入在Gitlab部署了public key对应的private key即可。一般public key是在~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub,而private key是~/.ssh/id_rsa。 其实就是选择公钥就行了。
Created an application from this repository via UI - success Synced the application - success Can you please exactly point out the steps you are doing? Do you maybe have a C&P error in your SSH private key data? I can successfully connect to the my gitlab repo (the first step) , and ...
ssh:connect to host gitlab.317hu.com port22:Operationtimedoutfatal:Couldnot readfromremote repository.Pleasemake sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 解决办法: 将原先的.ssh中的文件删除 .ssh 生成新的.ssh文件 ...
git pull origin branch-name 确保替换username和repository为实际的值。 联系GitLab管理员或检查GitLab服务器状态: 如果以上步骤都无法解决问题,可能是GitLab服务器本身存在问题。 尝试访问GitLab的Web界面,看看是否有关于服务器状态的公告或通知。 联系GitLab的管理员或支持团队,报告你遇到的问题并请求帮助。 按照...
Summary I have installed and reinstalled Gitlab 13.7.4 trying to recover functionality for a Gitlab instance that has been running fine...
GitLab Shell Version: 8.3.3 Repository storage paths: default: /mnt/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories Hooks: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/hooks Git: /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/git Results of GitLab application Check Expand for output related to the GitLab application check ...