However i am not able to connect to this redis cluster through my spring boot application. I tried using localhost:6379 ,, host.docker.internal:6379 but none of this worked. How do I expose the redis cluster docker container to be consumed by the application in local? ...
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused not connected> exit It works if I try to connect from another container though.. bash-3.2$ docker run -it --link webmonitor-redis:redis --rm redis sh -c 'exec redis-cli -h "$REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR" -p "$...
sudo docker pull redis:latest 2.启动 redis 镜像 Container,开启 redis-server 持久化服务 sudo docker run --name redis-server -d redis redis-server --appendonly yes 3.启动 Redis 镜像 Container 作为客户端,连接 redis-server sudo docker run --rm=true -it --link redis-server:redis redis /bin/...
redis-cli is the Redis command line interface, 用来与Redis服务进行交互,是因为Redis服务尚未启动。且docker启动redis里面没有配置文件。需要自己建立redis配置文件。 [root@centos7 ~]# docker inspect redis-master | grep -i volume "VolumeDriver": "", "VolumesFrom": null, "Type": "volume", "Source...
Could not connect to Redis at redis-server:6379: Name or service not known 使用docker的容器互联技术作为解决方案,将客户端连接修改成: $ docker run --it --rm--linksome-redis:redis redis redis-cli -h some-redis 此时可以正常连接。
docker redis error ——Could not connect to Redis No route to host 用docker创建了一个redis,结果报错了Could not connect to Redis No route to host。 这个解决了我的问题: sudo iptables -F
How to resolve Docker could not connect to redis at connection refused error? Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, message broker, and streaming engine.
以下是我在Docker中跑Mysql,Redis,SpringBoot项目的例子。 Link方式 一、跑Mysql –name指定容器名(我这里叫做jx010),-p指定端口映射,-e参数配置(markdown写法 不知道为啥这里 --只显示了一个,是两个哈)。 欲知更多,点击这里:Docker教程 docker run -p 3306:3306 --name jx010 -e MYSQL_USER=root -e MY...
When running in a docker container, the address resolution results with the docker container IP and not the physical machine's IP, which results in the following traceback (*** are hidden fields for security reasons): 020-11-11 14:48:28,960 INFO -- Connecting to existing ...
Hey, the library works like a charm, thanks a lot. My application is a microservice, which connects to a redis database, which is running inside of docker. However, I can not connect to redis, when my application is running inside of con...