You can connect to Azure Stack Hub with PowerShell to manage Azure Stack Hub resources. For example, you can use PowerShell to subscribe to offers, create virtual machines (virtual machines), and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates.
For servers enabled with Azure Arc, you can take manual steps to enable them for one or more Windows or Linux machines in your environment. Alternatively, you can use the PowerShell cmdlet Connect-AzConnectedMachine to download the Connected Machine agent, install the agent,...
You can use the Azure portal, local web UI, or the Windows PowerShell interface to manage your device.This article focuses on the tasks you do using the PowerShell interface.This article includes the following procedures:Connect to the PowerShell interface Create a support package Upload ...
This article describes how to connect to the local APIs on your Azure Stack Edge device via Azure Resource Manager using Azure PowerShell.Endpoints on Azure Stack Edge deviceThe following table summarizes the various endpoints exposed on your device, the supported protocols, and the ports to ...
Hi there,I want to schedule some script in PowerShell and i would need to login into Azure AD first.Is it possible to login to Azure AD without a prompt as...
只是PowerShell Function的module配置在文件requirements.psd1中, 这个文件在创建Powershell Function时候会自动生成在WWWROOT目录下,可以通过Kudu站点(https://<your function app name>,或者是 App Service Editer 页面进行修改。
只是PowerShell Function的module配置在文件requirements.psd1中, 这个文件在创建Powershell Function时候会自动生成在WWWROOT目录下,可以通过Kudu站点(https://<your function app name>,或者是 App Service Editer 页面进行修改。
只是PowerShell Function的module配置在文件requirements.psd1中, 这个文件在创建Powershell Function时候会自动生成在WWWROOT目录下,可以通过Kudu站点(https://<your function app name>,或者是 App Service Editer 页面进行修改。
在Azure Function中,执行Powershell的Function脚本时,先后出现1:[Error] ERROR: The term 'Connect-AzAccount' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and ...
PowerShell allows IT admins to apply system-level integration with other components more easily. Azure Functions provide the convenience of URI/timer-triggered maintenance tasks. Demand Analysis We will first start with the demand analysis. The task will be divided into the foll...