此帳戶會使用組織標識碼認證向 Azure Active Directory 進行驗證。 您無法使用此帳戶使用多重要素驗證或 Microsoft 帳戶認證來執行 Azure Active Directory Cmdlet。 範例3:將會話聯機為服務主體 PowerShell # Login to Azure AD PowerShell With Admin AccountConnect-AzureAD# Create the self signed cert$currentDate...
# Login to Azure AD PowerShell With Admin Account Connect-AzureAD # Create the self signed cert $currentDate = Get-Date $endDate = $currentDate.AddYears(1) $notAfter = $endDate.AddYears(1) $pwd = "<password>" $thumb = (New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation cert:\localmachine\...
I am in Windows 11 and I use PowerShell 5 and would like to mainly use 7 yet when I go to Connect-AzureAD it doesn't like it. I have a screenshot showing both as admin and NON admin and I can install yet can't Connect. I opened PS 5 and PS 7 as N...
Lets begin. Run PowerShell Run PowerShell Run the following command to install the AzureAD Sync module: Import-Module ADSync Next lets review the current intervals AzureAD Connect uses to sync by running the following command. Get-ADSyncScheduler NOTE:The report should show intervals ...
You can connect to Azure Stack Hub with PowerShell to manage Azure Stack Hub resources. For example, you can use PowerShell to subscribe to offers, create virtual machines (virtual machines), and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates.
When you try to connect to Microsoft Azure Information Protection using Windows PowerShell in Microsoft Office 365, you get an error message that resembles the following:PS C:\> Connect-AipServiceConnect-AipService : The attempt to connect to the Azure Information Protection service faile...
可将用户密码的哈希从本地 Active Directory 同步到 Azure AD,在本地更改或重置 密码时,新的密码哈希将立即同步到 Azure AD,以便用户始终可使用相同密码访问云资源与本地资源,密码绝不会被发送到 Azure AD,也不会以明文的形式存储在 Azure AD 中,你可将密码哈希同步与密码 写回一起使用,以在 Azure AD 中...
通过使用 Azure AD PowerShell 模块确认该对象存在于 Azure AD 中。 例如,运行以下 cmdlet 之一: Get-MsolGroup -SearchString <EmailAddress or DisplayName> Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString <Mail or DisplayName> 如果缺少用户对象出现在 Azure AD 中。 确认对象具有UserPrincipalNa...
Steps to reproduce after importing AzureAd module and Calling the Connect-AzureAd Cmdlet an interactive form opens to supply credentials and provide MFA authentication Install-Module -Name "AzureAD" -Verbose -Force -AllowClobber Import-M...
When you try to connect to Microsoft Azure Information Protection using Windows PowerShell in Microsoft Office 365, you get an error message that resembles the following:PS C:\> Connect-AipService Connect-AipService : The attempt to connect to the Azure Information Protectio...