I am new to IntelliJ IDEA and am using 2024.1 (Community Edition). I have imported my project and now want to connect to BitBucket. I have set up the repository. I have now followed the instructions to Register an existing account by signing in to GitHub ...
IntelliJ suddenly won't let me create pull requests. I had been able to, up until about 2 weeks ago. I can push commits from IntelliJ and they show up in GitHub, so there's a connection to GitHub. I can create PRs from GitHub, so no issue there...
I have successfully configured my GitHub client to use SSH, and received the confirmatory email from GitHub that a new SSH key was added. I would like to setup IntelliJ to use SSH as well, so that I don't have to enter my Username and Password every time I interact with GitHub. I al...
Installation instructions are included in the GitHub repository for GCM. On Mac, we recommend usingHomebrew. On Linux, you can install from a.debor atarball. Using the Git Credential Manager When you connect to a Git repository from your Git client for the first time, the credential manager ...
CONTRIBUTING.md rename intellij to jetbrains Aug 20, 2024 LICENSE Create LICENSE Jun 3, 2023 README.md messaging iteration 2 (continuedev#1480) Jun 14, 2024 Repository files navigation README Code of conduct LicenseContinueContinue is the leading open-source AI code assistant. You can connect an...
Repository files navigation README MIT license intellij-blackconnect Simple plugin for IDEA intended to help you to avoid overhead from starting black process each time you save a Python file. Instead, on each press of Alt + Shift + B plugin will send contents of the current Python file to...
解决IntelliJ IDEA导入自建项目无法运行的问题 在桌面上新建一个文件夹,在这个文件夹内创建src和out两个文件夹,在src内创建HelloWorld.java,然后后IDEA打开,会发现无法运行,需要完成以下步骤: 此时,会先提示要设置SDK,点击Set... MVC5+EF6 入门完整教程七 ...
使用用于 IntelliJ 的 Azure DevOps Services 插件 IntelliJ Visual Studio Code项目定义一个流程和数据存储,可在其中管理软件项目,从计划到部署。 连接到项目时,可以连接到组织或项目集合。 有关详细信息,请参阅 关于项目和缩放组织。先决条件展开表 类别要求 项目成员身份 项目成员. 远程工作 如果远程工作,请将客...
执行git clone时出现 ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Connection timed out fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 由wifi切换个人热点后解决。
go: downloading github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.7.1 go: added github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.7.1 If you cannot use thego getcommand due to version or network issues, you can run thego installcommand for installation. Clone thego-sql-driver/mysqlrepository from GitHub to thego/src...