一段时间没用Copilot了,今天打开VScode发现报错:GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ETIMEDOUT" error message error detail Solution:手动配置本机hosts文件 1. 通过下面这个网址分别查询github.com和api.github.com的ip地址 https://www.ipaddress...
Thank you so much for this Link, just sad that it does not show up on the first google entry when you type "vscode github-copilot" StitiFatah commented Feb 12, 2023 • edited There is a tutorial here on how to get GitHub Copilot to work in VSCodium. Let me know if you get ...
GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ECONNREFUSED" 最近vscode 打开驾驶员的时候发现登不上了,自己看了下原来是需要配置 hosts 文件。 mac :找到 访达 -> Shift + Command + G -> 调出对话框后输入 /etc/hosts -> 在当前文件夹用 vim 或其...
This prevented Copilot from throwing any errors, but it still didn't function properly as it didn't provide any code suggestions. Subsequently, I employed another method: I opened the settings in VSCode, searched for 'http.proxy', and set the proxy address and port. This got Copilot workin...
# vscode copilot config github.com api.github.com 最后重启 vscode...
之前一直用的教育版的copilot,这周末发现不能用了,vscode和pycharm一开始只是显示需要连接github,点开网页之后还是没有反应,本来以为只是短时间的抽风,过了两天发现还是不能用。改了梯子也不管用,搜了一下发现不少人遇到了同样的问题:https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/47737#top ...
问题1: GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ECONNREFUSED" 解决方式: dns中添加8.8.8.8,然后重启vscode,再不行重启电脑。 问题2: GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "Failed to get copilot token" ...
GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ECONNREFUSED" 最近vscode 打开驾驶员的时候发现登不上了,自己看了下原来是需要配置 hosts 文件。 mac:找到 访达 -> Shift + Command + G -> 调出对话框后输入 /etc/hosts -> 在当前文件夹用 vim 或其他...
我的报错信息如下,GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "connect ECONNREFUSED" 如果你安装过steam++/watt toolkit那么这个问题很可能和你一样,使用watt toolkit的加速功能,加速功能没关或者程序意外关闭可能导致host文件没有恢复正常,这时只需启动watt toolkit开启...