2 cameras: EOS Rebel T7 and PowerShot SX530 HS. Two android devices running current CameraConnect apps. Both work great with Camera Access Point WIFI but neither works ("Waiting to Connect" forever) when I try to connect via my home WIFI. Which of the following should I inve...
官网:http://www.canon.com.cn/ 厂商:佳能中国有限公司 平台:Android 佳能相机无线连接工具(Canon Camera Connect)提供两种连接方式分别是wifi和蓝牙,是一款可将用兼容的佳能相机拍摄的影像传输至智能手机/平板电脑的应用程序。视频导入手机会被自动压缩,而且不能选择,非常恶心,毁了我许多素材。
Every other time I try to connect to my camera it has issues. Either the wifi won’t connect, or the camera won’t connect, or name a new reason. I never had this many issues with the Nikon app and cameras! You would think that Canon would be equal to or better than that. It’...
Canon Camera Connect is an application to transfer images shot with compatible Canon cameras to smartphone/tablet. By connecting to a camera with Wi-Fi (dire…
首先手机上要下载安装一个Canon Camera Connect.apk。在相机目录单无线连接中设置连接。然后手机设置连接。打开app就可以用了。 下载链接http://dd.myapp.com/16891/62F57351021733DD7FFFCCB6CCBE10FB.apk?f 分享124 运动相机吧 邱县高速的 ActionAc camera如何连接手机 连接时显示waiting for wifi connectiom 大神...
佳能相机无线连接工具(Canon Camera Connect)提供两种连接方式分别是wifi和蓝牙,是一款可将用兼容的佳能相机拍摄的影像传输至智能手机/平板电脑的应用程序。视频导入手机会被自动压缩,而且不能选择,非常恶心,毁了我许多素材。 wifi连接的事项 通过Wi-Fi连接到相机(直接连接或通过无线路由器),此应用程序可提供以下功能:...