供参考:Oracle自己提供的是 connect by ...start with,而别的数据库只有使用With来实现 create tabletest1(id number,name varchar2(20),pid number);insert intotest1 values(1,'电器',null);insert intotest1 values(2,'家电',1);insert intotest1 values(3,'冰箱',2);insert intotest1 valu...
connect by prior org_id=supervision_org_id order by supervision_org_id 2。Sql Functiong: FunctionNo SubFunctionNo SubFunctionType 01. systemadmin Privilege 0 01. systemadmin subsysadmin 1(表示樹枝) subsysadmin subsys1 0(表示leaf) subsysadmin subsys2 0 subsysadmin User 1 User UserOne 0 請教...
selecta.idfromhrmsubcompany a start with a.id=2connect by prior a.supsubcomid=a.id; SQL Server/DB2: WITHallsub(id,subcompanyname,supsubcomid)as(SELECTid,subcompanyname,supsubcomidFROMHrmSubCompanywhereid=2UNIONALLSELECTa.id,a.subcompanyname,a.supsubcomidFROMHrmSubCompanya,allsub bwherea...
start with property_class in ('VS', 'SS', 'ZT') connect by prior prperty_no = parent_equip ) any one can help would be much appreciated thanksSQL Server SQL Server A family of Microsoft relational database management and analysis systems for e-commerce, line-of-business...
- 在SQL SERVER中,递归查询通常使用`WITH`子句创建公共表表达式(CTE),结合`UNION ALL`和`JOIN`来实现。如示例所示,`cte_root`或`cte_child`定义递归起点,`connect by ID=prior ParentID`表示递归路径。 - ... sql查询某个parentid下的所有childid - **使用其他函数**:结合其他Oracle函数(如`SYS_CONNECT...
CONNECT BY PRIOR Bug #2341CONNECT BY PRIOR Submitted:9 Jan 2004 18:00Modified:7 Jan 2020 9:33 Reporter:[ name withheld ]Email Updates: Status:Won't fixImpact on me: None Category:MySQL Server: DMLSeverity:S4 (Feature request) Version:Next OneOS:Any (any)...
树结构,同时要跟START WITH一起用
CONNECT BY [ NOCYCLE ] CONDITION2 层级子句作用 CONDITION2 [PRIOR expr = expr] : 指定层级结构中父节点与子节点之之间的关系。 CONDITION2 中的 一元运算符 PRIORY 必须放置在连接关系的两列中某一个的前面。在连接关系中,除了可以使用列名外,还允许使用列表达式。
Prior to 2005, OLE DB providers shipped with Windows Data Access Components (WDAC), which originally was called Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). OLE DB providers shipped with SQL Server 2005 through SQL Server 2017. It was deprecated in 2011. ...
Prior to Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server, applications could specify integrated authentication (using Kerberos or NTLM, depending on which is available) by using the integratedSecurity connection property and by referencing mssql-jdbc_auth-<version>-<arch>.dll, as described in ...