For servers enabled with Azure Arc, you can take manual steps to enable them for one or more Windows or Linux machines in your environment. Alternatively, you can use the PowerShell cmdlet Connect-AzConnectedMachine to download the Connected Machine agent, install the agent,...
Add-AzureRMAccount -EnvironmentName "AzureStackUser" -TenantId $TenantId Test the connectionWhen you've got everything setup, test connectivity by using PowerShell to create resources in Azure Stack Hub. As a test, create a resource group for an application and add a virtual machine. ...
az vm create\--resource-groupmyResourceGroup \--namemyVM \--imageUbuntu2204\--admin-usernameazureuser \--ssh-key-value~/.ssh/ With PowerShell, useNew-AzVMand add the SSH key to the VM configuration using`. For an example, seeQuickstart: Create a Linux virtual machine in A...
Azure Service Fabric提供了PowerShell的指令来进行创建,管理资源,如Get-ServiceFabricClusterHealth 获取当前集群的健康状态,但这些命令都需要使用Connect-ServiceFabricCluster 先连接到集群。而在使用连接命令时候,始终连接不成功。本且是运行PowerShell命令的机器上已经安装了SF的主要证书。通过添加 -debug...
In order to connect to the Linux VM via SSH, you must have the following ports open on your VM: Inbound port: SSH (22)or Inbound port: Custom value (you'll then need to specify this custom port when you connect to the VM via Azure Bastion). This setting isn't available for the...
Azure Service Fabric提供了PowerShell的指令来进行创建,管理资源,如Get-ServiceFabricClusterHealth获取当前集群的健康状态,但这些命令都需要使用Connect-ServiceFabricCluster 先连接到集群。而在使用连接命令时候,始终连接不成功。本且是运行PowerShell命令的机器上已经安装了SF的主要证书。通过添加 -debug命令查看输出结果,...
只是PowerShell Function的module配置在文件requirements.psd1中, 这个文件在创建Powershell Function时候会自动生成在WWWROOT目录下,可以通过Kudu站点(https://<your function app name>,或者是 App Service Editer 页面进行修改。
1.您可以通过运行以下命令来验证AzureAD模块是否安装正确。Get-Installedmodule | Where-Object {$_.Name...
只是PowerShell Function的module配置在文件requirements.psd1中, 这个文件在创建Powershell Function时候会自动生成在WWWROOT目录下,可以通过Kudu站点(https://<your function app name>,或者是 App Service Editer 页面进行修改。
只是PowerShell Function的module配置在文件requirements.psd1中, 这个文件在创建Powershell Function时候会自动生成在WWWROOT目录下,可以通过Kudu站点(https://<your function app name>,或者是 App Service Editer 页面进行修改。