Define conjurer. conjurer synonyms, conjurer pronunciation, conjurer translation, English dictionary definition of conjurer. also con·jur·or n. 1. One that performs magic tricks; a magician. 2. A sorcerer or sorceress. American Heritage® Dictionary
读音:英['kʌndʒərə] 美[] conjurer 基本解释 n. 恳求者, 施魔术者, 变戏法的人, 魔术师, 念咒的人, 非常聪明的人 conjurer 词性变化 名词复数形式:conjurers 词组短语 1、conjurermod 魔术师模式 2、conjurerd&d 魔术师d&d 3、conjurerdefine 魔术师定义 ...
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weight - a double value to define the record percentage to be applied. Each weight value should in the range of (0, 1] and the total weight of all values shouldn't be more than 1. For example, if the weight is 0.1 and total records generated are 100, there are about 10 records wi...