A:Conjure is generally used when referring to the things a magician or showman on stage would do: The magician conjured a rabbit from a hat. 查看更多回答 Q:conjureup是什麼意思 A:Literally "to create via magic". It could be used ironically/sarcastically, (eg, you have just asked me for...
conjure-up spells registry. Contribute to conjure-up/spells development by creating an account on GitHub.
Deploying complex solutions, magically. Contribute to conjure-up/conjure-up development by creating an account on GitHub.
In an instant, the magician had conjured (up)coinsfrom his hat. 而conjure up 这个短语动词除了可以表示“变魔术、变戏法般地出现”外,还在16世纪80年代后开始衍生指“使呈现于脑海”或者说“使想起、使联想起、使想象出”,主要指单词、声音、气味等使某人感觉到或想起某个事...
Gooch Finally Conjures Up a Summer SpellByline: by MIKEY STAFFORDDaily Mail (London)
Once conjure-up has finished installing the ghost spell there are just a few more things you need to do. We will use Juju to finalize the configuration of the ghost application and expose it to the world. First, expose your blog to the public ...
Spell thatconjuresa wooden rod. 这个咒语可以变出一根木棍. 互联网 This placeconjuresup vivid memories. 这个地方使人回忆起许多生动的往事. 互联网 Conjuresa creature of pure magic. 魔法生物. 互联网 One popular explanationconjuresup fears of rising inflation and hence higher interest rates. ...
1.to affect or influence by or as if by invocation or spell. 2.to effect or produce by or as if by magic:to conjure a miracle. 3.to call upon or command (a devil or spirit) by invocation or spell. 4.to call or bring into existence by or as if by magic (usu. fol. byup)....
harder to fall back under thatinexplicablespell.•Throughsimpledisuseandlackoffeedback, she may stopconjuringup stories.•Iconjuredup visions ofwildmushroomrisotto, tiramisu,Cherry, Garciaicecream, andcurrantscones. Originconjure(1200-1300)Old Frenchconjurer, fromLatin, fromcom-(→COM-) +jurare“to...
(12c.), from Latinconiurare"to swear together; conspire," fromcom-"together" (see com-) +iurare"to swear" (see jury (n.)). Magical sense is c. 1300, for "constraining by spell" a demon to do one's bidding. Related:Conjured;conjuring. Phraseconjure up"cause to appear in the ...