英语自然拼读、语法作业纸Conjunctions KEY (1st Grade)
Conjunctions Defined:a conjunction joins words and phrases. Conjunctions make writing more concise: Instead of: "I don't like apples. I don't like oranges." use the conjunction "or" to connect the two sentences: "I don't like apples or oranges." Examples: and, or, but, nor Teachers -...
A conjunction is a word or phrase that connects two or more words, phrases, clauses, or sentences to each other. Examples of Conjunctions Below is a short list of different conjunctions. and so yet although whereas when whenever but for nor until before after because in case...
12th Grade English: High School Course Practice 21 chapters | 152 quizzes Ch 1. High School English: Speaking & Listening Skills... Coming to a Discussion Prepared Quiz How to Contribute to a Discussion Quiz Critical Listening Definition & Examples Quiz Informative Speech | Definition, ...
For example, CorrectNot onlydo I love to eat,but alsoI love to cook. OddNot onlydo I love to eat, I love to cook. It’s just weird without its bestie! What are some examples? The most common correlative conjunctions include the following: ...
• to provide a description and examples of adverbial conjunctions; • to relate adverbial conjunctions with the correct punctuation. Suggested Grades 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade Excerpt When learning about conjunctions, we learn that a conjunction is a joining word. It joins words, phrases or...
1. Number five conflicts with my 11th grade English teacher’s rule. Separate the two halves of a compound sentence with a comma. Was she wrong? 2. I disagree with #5. Two independent clauses should be separated by a comma.”She doesn’t like the noise of the big city.” is an in...
and or so but because Examples: My brother and I like pizza. Did you go to the park or to the movies? Two simple sentences joined together by a comma and a conjunction: I lost my blue hat, but I found it today. The baby is sleeping, so we must be quiet. Name: ///...