Let's take a look at what these are and examples of how they are used in sentences.- F = For - A = And - N = Nor - B = But - O = Or- Y = Yet - S = SoExamples of these seven conjunctions used in sentences:- I brought a gift for my friend to school....
Here are some examples of conjunctions at the start of sentences: What are children taught about conjunctions at primary school? In Year 1, children are taught to use the conjunction 'and' to join sentences. Often children of this age will write a series of simple sentences and teachers show...
•Michaelwastired,buthefinishedhiswork.(aconjunctionjoiningtwosentencestomakeonesentence).ExamplesofSubordinateConjunctions •Becausetheraincontinued,thetripwasdelayed.(dependentclause)•Thegirlsworkedintheclassroomwhiletheboysplayedbasketball.(dependentclause)•Sinceeveryonehasworkedhard,wewillhaveaparty.(...