Moon in 3rd house, from 16:04 Moon trine Mercury, exact at 22:19 Important long-term influences "A revolution of consciousness" (Neptune conjunction Uranus) "A pleasant time" (Venus sextile Mercury) "Compassion and sympathy" (Chiron sextile Moon) ...
Hopi prophecy warns that nothing should be brought back from the Moon. If this were done, the Hopi warned, the balance of natural and universal laws and forces would be disturbed, resulting in earthquakes, severe changes in weather patterns, and social unrest. All these things are happening to...
Neptune, together with Uranus and Pluto, belongs to an altogether different level of reality. They are hardly to be considered as integral parts of the solar system if the latter is understood as a closely defined and limited cosmic entity. They represent the stage of transition between the sol...
Moon1315'26"27n28 Mercury48' 3"2n59 Venus1025'37"r11n05 Mars1739'19"25n37 Jupiter1244'57"21n57 Saturn2121'35"5s11 Uranus2347' 6"18n30 Neptune295'36"1s31 Pluto31'42"22s46 TrueNode2728' 3"1s00 Chiron2052'56"8n54 Explanations of the symbols ...