Santiguar – to bless, make the sign of the cross Satirizar – to satirize Satisfacer – to satisfy Saturar – to saturate Sazonar – to season; to ripen Secar – to dry; to annoy, bore Secretar – to secrete Secuestrar – to kidnap Seducir – to seduce, charm; to bribe Segar – ...
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
Conjugations of Spanish verbs. Ideal for students from Spain and the rest of the world. Characteristics: • New verbs are added almost every day. • Compatible w…
Some verbs are irregular only in their spelling. A good example of this is the verbsacar,meaning "to take out,"whichbecomessaquéin the first-personpreterite. Ifsacarwas conjugated using the regular -arverb change, it would besacé,which is not a Spanish spelling. It looks and sounds incorre...
Regular -er Verbs Share / Tweet / Pin Me! Verbos regulares -ER verbs are the second biggest category of regular Spanish verbs. To conjugate an-erverb, remove the infinitive ending and then add the appropriate endings, as follows: SingularPlural...
Most verbs that are irregular in the preterite do not use the regular -ar or -er/-ir endings. There is a special set of irregular preterite endings, which is used for many (although not all) verbs that are irregular in the preterite tense. Three of the irregular preterite tense verbs th...
Imperfect conjugation in Spanish includes two sets of endings for regular verbs: one for ‒ar verbs and other for both ‒er/‒ir verbs. Just remove the infinitive ending and add the specific one from the chart: ‒ar ‒er/‒ir ‒aba ‒ábamos ‒ía ‒íamos ‒abas ...
Spanish Verbs Basics And ConjugationsAdolfo Garcia
In Spanish, verbs are conjugated differently based on their verb endings (-er, -ir, -ar). This lesson covers the preterite tense conjugations of -er and -ir verbs. Verbs covered in this lesson include salir (to leave), beber (to drink), aprender (to learn), escribir (to write), a...
Click in the first row and drag left or right to change the order of the columns. EnglishFrenchItalianCatalanSpanishPortuguese -er verbs -are verbs -ar verbs -ar verbs -ar verbs Infinitive: to love aimer amare amar amar amar Present: love(s) aime amo amo amo amo aimes ami ames amas ...