do Random despulsar do destemplar cause to go out of tune destorgar do destoserse do destrenzarse do destupirse do desturcarse do desuscribir unsubscribe desvaretar do desvestir undress Other Spanish verbs with the meaning similar to 'break': None found. ...
Desvestir – to undress Desviar – to deviate, deflect Detener – to detain, stop Determinar – to determine; to cause Detestar – to detest Devenir – to become Devolver – to return; to refund Dibujar – to draw, design Dictar – to dictate Digerir – to digest Dirigir – to direct...
What is the conjugation of descender? What is the conjugation of destruir? What is the conjugation of servir? What is the conjugation of vestirsi? What is the conjugation of construir? What is the conjugation of cortarse? What is the conjugation of dar?
Secarseis a verb in the Spanish language meaning 'to dry up/off'. It is a reflexive verb, meaning its subject and object are the same. Answer and Explanation: The present tense conjugation ofsecarseis: yome seco túte secas él/ella/Ustedse seca ...
About two dozen verbs follow this pattern. Among the most common areimpedir(to prevent),repetir(to repeat),servir(to serve), andvestir(to dress). Competir Present Indicative Possible translations for the Spanishpresent tenseinclude, in addition to "compete," variations such as "is competing" and...
conjugation pattern are those based onseguir,such asconseguir(to attain or achieve) andperseguir(to pursue, prosecute or persecute). However, there are other verbs that have similar conjugations asseguir,such asdecir,vestir,andpedir,since these are also stem changing verbs where theesometimes ...
Use our Spanish Verb Conjugation Tool (and translator) to conjugate and translate over 10,000 spanish verbs. Listed below are some of the commonly selected verbs. Click on the verb and you will see its full conjugation and translation.
What is the conjugation of recevoir? What is the conjugation of sein? What is the conjugation of destruir? What is the conjugation of servir? What is the conjugation of vestirsi? What is the conjugation of construir? What is the conjugation of sortir?
What is the conjugation of vestirsi? What is the conjugation of cortarse? What is the conjugation of construir? What is the conjugation of tondre? What is the conjugation of lire? What is the conjugation of recevoir? What is the conjugation of dar?
What is the conjugation of tondre? What is the conjugation of descender? What is the conjugation of cortarse? What is the conjugation of recevoir? What is the conjugation of vestirsi? What is the conjugation of servir? What is the conjugation of sortir?