Visit Page Romper - to break Conjugation Charts and Practice Visit Page Fascinar - to fascinate Conjugation Charts and Practice Visit Page Pasear - to take a walk Conjugation Charts and Practice Visit Page Acabar - to finish Conjugation Charts and Practice ...
Common Spanish verbs Should you run out of ideas, here are some Spanish verbs listed by their frequency of use on Cooljugator: buscar1 conocer2 contar3 creer4 dar5 deber6 decir7 dejar8 empezar9 encontrar10 entender11 entrar12 escribir13 ...
Servir Present Conjugation in Spanish: Indicative & Progressive Perder Present Conjugation: Indicative & Progressive Traer in Spanish | Conjugation Charts, Uses & Examples Conducir Present Progressive Conjugation Creer Spanish Progressive Conjugation: Present & Imperfect Venir Spanish Conjugation: Present Partici...
New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are holidays in much of the world – here’s the Spanish vocabulary you need to celebrate on December 31 and January 1st. Queridos Reyes Magos In Spain, children write to the Three Wise Men rather than Santa to ask for presents. Work on your Spanis...
More Spanish verbs Related Not found We have none. Similar cocerse bake cogerse pick colarse jump the queue comerse reflexive of comer coparse do creerse believe Similar but longer Not found We have none. Random controlar control copular copulate coquizar coke corcovar do corrugar corrugate...
No + pensar/creer/imaginar ('to think/to imagine') + que For example: No creo que haga sol el sábado.(I don't think it will be sunny on Saturday.) Hacer in Conversation Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher?
Use our Spanish Verb Conjugation Tool (and translator) to conjugate and translate over 10,000 spanish verbs. Listed below are some of the commonly selected verbs. Click on the verb and you will see its full conjugation and translation.
"Dejadme creer que novivíen vano.'Let me not seem to havelivedin vain. "Durante seis años,vivímomentos hermosos como un sueño."'For six years,Ilivedthese beautiful moments like a dream.' viviste - Debes aceptar el hecho de queviviste."You must learn to accept the fact thatyoulive...
Pero aún así, me cuesta creer quecortaríasla mano de un niño. Que matarías a un niño que nunca lastimó a nadie.But even so, l find it hard to believe thatyouwould cutthe hand off a small child, that you would kill a boy who never hurt a soul. ...
No puedo creer que Malarkey comande. l can't believe Malarkey's gonna lead it. ¿Harías que comande los ejércitos del rey... en una túnica? Would you have me lead the King's armies in a tunic? comandesNecesito que comandes este equipo, Terry. I need you to lead this squad, ...