Compartir Conditional Indicative Compartir Present Progressive/Gerund Form Thepresent progressivetense is formed with the present tense conjugation of the verbestar,followed by the present participle (gerundioin Spanish). To form the present participle for-irverbs, you need to add the ending-iendo. ...
Note: You must be logged into your Progress with Lawless Spanish account to take this test. If you don’t have one, sign up – it’s free! Salir Expressions The Spanish verb salir, literally “to go out,” has many different meanings and is used in a number of common expressions. Lea...
A partir de ahora, nocopiamos, examinamos.From now on we don'tcopy, we examine. Alquilamos la película ycopiamosla basura en la parte de atrás.We rent the movie andcopythe junk on the back of the box. copiáis Equipo 3, ¿mecopiáis?Team 3, do youcopy?
Pero solo mecobrarásintereses a partir del 26 de enero.Butyouwill chargeme interest only after 26th January. cobrará A todos ellos se lescobraráNo entiendes?All of them wwill charge you. Don't you understand? Cuando no aparezcamos a las 11:00, noscobraráun día más.When did not ...
26K In Spanish grammar, many verbs have an -IR ending. Learn how to conjugate regular -IR verbs, then practice conjugating words like 'compartir,' 'escribir,' 'vivir,' and 'abrir.' Related to this QuestionWhat is the conjugation of anfangen? What is the conjugation of torcerse? What ...
A partir de hoyiniciáisuna vida honesta en pareja.This is the beginnng of an honest lfe for you two, Jóvenes alumnos de nuestras escuelas francesas, la razón por la que os quería hablar hoy en este día cuandoiniciáisun nuevo año escolar, es porque es importante que sepáis que ...