Gustar conjugation chart: Preterite tense To conjugate gustar in the past, follow the same steps as you would for the present tense to select the correct pronoun and singular or plural version of gustar, then also change your verb to the preterite or imperfect tense. Megustóesa película cuand...
This chart conjugates visitar ("to visit") in the conditional tense. The infinitive form of this verb is visitar. PronounVerb FormPronunciationTranslation Yo visitaría vee-see-tahr-EE-ah I would visit Tú visitarías vee-see-tahr-EE-ahs you would visit Ella, Él, Usted visitaría vee-see...
Similarly, vas, va, vamos, and van all carry the "B" sound as shown by the pronunciations in the chart above. Note: The word eso (masculine form) or esa (feminine form) meaning "it" can be used with the verb ir to describe a thing that is moving. Also note that in Spanish, ...
Are you up for the challenge to learn Spanish? How's my Spanish is your portal to conjugation charts, quizes and blogs on how to efficiently learn Spanish.
Conjugating a verb To give a subject to a verb you must CONJUGATE it. To conjugate the verb you have to: 1. ) Drop the –AR, -ER, or –IR ending 2.) Add the proper ending to match the subject ENDINGS FOR –AR VERBS (PRESENT TENSE) (yo) -amos (nosotros/as) -as (tú) -áis...
Try and listen for the different conjugations of the verb tener, to have. After we will fill in the conjugation chart. Hola, soy Mara. ¡Yo tengo una familia muy grande! Mis padres tienen cinco hijos. Yo tengo un hermano y tengo 3 hermanas. Mi hermano es mayor. Él tiene su ...
Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Almorzar Conjugation: Command & Preterite Conditional vs. Subjunctive Mood | Definition & Examples Almorzar in Spanish | Conjugation, Present Tense & Examples Spanish Grammar: Verbs Like Gustar ...
Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Almorzar Conjugation: Command & Preterite Conditional vs. Subjunctive Mood | Definition & Examples Almorzar in Spanish | Conjugation, Present Tense & Examples Spanish Grammar: Verbs Like Gustar ...