Conjugation allows bacteria to acquire genes for antibiotic resistance, novel virulence attributes, and alternative metabolic pathways. 细菌可以通过结合作用获得抗性,致病性和改变代谢途径。 6. Objective To investigate the conjugation specificity of Streptococcus mutants " adhesins and their saliv...
Conjugation is very important for bacteria because it allows them to exchange genetic material with each other, and the genes exchanged always confer some kind of functional advantage. Antibiotic resistance is one such advantage, so studying and understanding the processes of bacterial conjugation is im...
5 Transfer of Plasmids Between Bacteria The transfer of genetic information between two bacterial cells may occur via cell-to-cell contact. This process is known as bacterial conjugation and typically depends on the presence of plasmids. Transferability is the ability of certain plasmids to move f...
In microbiology, conjugation is the process by which two individuals of the same – or even different – species exchange theirgeneticmaterial during a temporary union. Amongbacteria, conjugation is a widespread mechanism that allows the transmission of one conjugativeplasmidfrom one cell, called “don...
Bacterial conjugation, also referred to as bacterial sex, is a major horizontal gene transfer mechanism through which DNA is transferred from a donor to a recipient bacterium by direct contact. Conjugation is universally conserved among bacteria and occurs in a wide range of environments (soil, plan...
4. Conjugation Tube (Pili): The conjugation tube is also referred to as pili (singular: pilus). This tubular outgrowth extends from the donor bacterium and facilitates the attachment to the recipient bacterium. 5. Conclusion: During conjugation, bacteria attach by means of pili, which allows for...
However, the absence of homologues to essential components of these elements in the genomes of many bacteria in which conjugation has been described to occur soon revealed the existence of unconventional conjugation mechanisms. Conjugation in Streptomyces involves the transfer of dsDNA instead of ssDNA ...
Conjugation in bacteria is a process in which plasmids are transferred by themselves alone or along with other DNA element from one cell to another cell through conjugation tube. Conjugation occurby physical contact between cells. ... The cell which has received the plasmid from the donor cell ...
capsular loci with the phages. We found that all those chassis strains that were susceptible to the phages became resistant upon change of the serotype (Fig.1B) showing that capsule inactivation or swapping are sufficient to make bacteria resistant to phages for which they were originally ...
Conjugation experiments (Model-1) were established as described above to compare proteins expressed in the donor and recipient bacteria during the absence and presence of the non-antibiotic pharmaceuticals. Initially, the optimal length of exposure period was examined for the conjugations when exposed to...