There are 10 major different tenses for which you will learn conjugation patterns. There are about 70 conjugations patterns. However the majority of verbs areregular French verbs, and follow similar, repeating patterns. Learn one pattern and it is exactly the same for hundreds, even thousands of ...
Verb conjugations are necessary because they allow us to indicate when the action of being born happened in the past, is occurring in the present, or will take place in the future. In English, we use -ingand -edfor this, but in French we also have to change the verb according to the...
There are times whenconjugating French verbsis easy and times when it's a little tougher.Apparaîtrefalls into the latter category because it does not follow the patterns of regular verbs. Yet, there is a pattern here and it follows through with almost all other French verbs ending in-aî...
This leftasseoirwith two complete sets ofconjugations: the old and the modernized. But the first and second person plural (nous assoyonsandvous assoyezin the present tense)of the modernized form seem so strange that many French speakers in France will do anything to avoid using them. The resu...
Rater,pronounced "rah tay," is a French verb that'sconjugatedlike all Frenchregular-erverbs. Itmeansliterally "to miss, fail, go wrong, make a mess of," as in: Ça ne rate jamais.> It never fails. Anne a raté son train.> Anne missed her train. ...
The majority of French verbs areregular-erverbs, asparticiperis. (There are five main kinds of verbs in French: regular-er, -ir, -reverbs; stem-changing verbs; and irregular verbs.) Toconjugatea regular French-erverb, remove the -erending from the infinitive to reveal the verb's stem....