Learn how to conjugate and use the Italian verb uscire, which means to go out, through conjugation tables and examples.
sapereisnotused for knowing people, topics, or places: You don'tsapereMarco, youconoscereMarco; you don'tsapereRome, youconoscereRome; you don'tsapereFoscolo's work, youconoscereFoscolo's work. But, youdosaperea poem by heart; you dosaperea few words of Italian...
Ogni anno, i giudicipremianoanche il miglior cantante, e vorrei tanto che lei fosse li' a vedermi vincere.Every year, the judgesgiveout an award for an MVP, and I would really love it if you could be there to watch me win.
Of course, you can add descriptors to yourconoscereto define how well you know something or someone:poco(little),pochissimo(very little),bene(well),benissimo(very well),superficialmente(superficially),così(approximately), andmeglio(better).Vorrei conoscerti meglio!I would like to get to know ...