Se souvenir de, because it is irregular, follows its own conjugations; to use it you will have to memorize them because they don't follow the patterns that regular verbs do. In the compound conjugations, pronominal verbs usually require agreement. There are a few kinds of French pronominal ve...
Intentéinduciral mal...I tried to lead astray... induces Primero te sientas cerca de mi y luego me preguntas por qué meinducesal error.First you sit so close to me and then you wonder why l get mislead. induce Cuando algun individuoinducea error al Tribunal intencionadamente, se caus...
Žinot, anksčiau sėdėdavau baruose,gerdavauir klausydavau muzikos.You know, I used to sit at the bar, just drinking and listening to music. Gerdavaukavą kiekvieną vakarą.. Kol ateidavo laikas miegoti. Norėjau, kad mano sapnai būtų greitesni.Iused to drinkit ...
It is the same in English, Spanish, and French! Very unnatural if you do not follow the rule. All three languages have the same rule about using verbs after verbs.“They went(V) to get(inf.) a drink.”“I want(V) to go(inf.)”“He trains(V) to become(inf.) better.”“We m...
I'm fed up with coming home from work only to make yet another mushroom stroganoff for some sodding church meeting of pedantic bores who want to sit around for four hours in my home discussing how to put in a fire exit or whatever. harté-Me harté de estar en casa. Quería tomar el...
Other Dutch verbs with the meaning similar to 'sob': None found. 'Sob' in different languages LanguageVerb(s)LanguageVerb(s) Arabic شهق Azeri hönkürmək English sob Finnish nyyhkiä,nyyhkyttää French sangloter German schluchzen Hungarian zokog Italian singhiozzare Japanese ...
Example in DutchTranslation in English sturen tegen Ik beveel het A.G. kantoor Ryan een nieuwe geboorteakte op testuren tegenhet einde van morgenavond.I'm ordering the A.G.'s office to send Ryan a new birth certificate by the end of business tomorrow....
Yeah, I want to roll with you, right off my feet off the sidewalk and into the gutter. Jos hän sattuu puklaamaan, - rullaan pyyhkeen näin ja panen sen hänen alleen. Just in case she decides to do a little spit-up I'm gonna roll up a nice clean towel like this and pu...
Did you know at dinner time I would sit and actually count how many times they chewed. Ze produceerden immers constant. Er waren kerels die de hele nacht bladeren kauwden. They had to types that they chewed leaves the whole night. Zwangere moeders kauwden denk ik ook tanniswortel voor vi...
- Und Sie sollenstricken.And when Andy's on the stand, I want you to do knitting. Knitting? - WasstrickenSie da?- What are you knitting? stricke - Also sitze ich bloß hier undstricke.- So, I just sit andknit. - Ichstrickeauch.-Iknittoo. ...