The article would come out if it were finished. Noi usciremmo Usciremmo se non piovesse. We would go/come out if it were not raining. Voi uscireste Uscireste per tenermi compagnia? Would you come out to keep me company? Loro. Loro uscirebbero Uscirebbero da questa brutta situaz...
Can you stop the thirst with a glass of water? ¿Se puede detener la sed con un vaso de agua? Help me to experience today the thirst of your Son. Ayúdame a experimentar hoy la sed de tu Hijo. These women are full of thirst for passion and satisfaction. Estas mujeres son llenas ...
, estás aqui Temí que no tedaríanel mensaje en el trabajoThank God! , You're here I feared thatwould giveyou the message at work - Otrasdaríanaños por tenerla.- That's a handicap that a lot of womenwould giveyears for.
"Demasiado potente que debería tener 4 plazas pero que no tiene asientos traseros y cuesta el doble?" "on an overpowered Mercedes that should be a four-seater but hasn't a back seat, yet costs twice as much." "Ella" cuesta U$D7,500. "She" costs $7,500. "Esa casa costaba $60....
Su ático debe tener al menos un pie de aislamiento. Lift a foot and extend your leg toward the ceiling. Levanta un pie y extiende tu pierna hacia el techo. Put all your weight on the other foot, please. Pon todo tu peso en el otro pie, por favor. Expedition Delta complies and trav...