In grammar, to inflect (a verb) through all its various forms, as voices, moods, tenses, numbers, and persons, or so many of them as there, may be. In biology, to perform the act of conjugation; specifically, in botany, to unite and form a zygospore. In gearing, said of tooth-pr...
The verb "suru" has many commonly-used applications. While it means "to do" on its own, with the addition of an adjective or depending upon the situation, it can take on a number of different meanings from describing the senses to making a decision to accompanying loan words. Suru is us...
This verb can also have the following meanings: to reconcile with someone without going to court, accredit, to make an annotation in the salary on an account, to accredit a sum of money to the account of someone, give, reconcile, to pay a certain amount of money by each term of a loa...
(grammar, transitive) To list the inflected forms of a verb for each person, in order, for one or more tenses. 字典中的翻译英文 - 凯尔特文 displetya 细节 langbot kesyewa verb-hanow 细节 en (verbs/verb-nouns) kw (verbow/verb-henwyn) ...
Other Spanish verbs with the meaning similar to 'float': None found. 'Float' in different languages LanguageVerb(s)LanguageVerb(s) Afrikaans dryf,sweef Arabic طفا Dutch dobberen, drijven, glijden, zweven English float Esperanto flosi, flosigi Estonian floteerima, heljuma, hõljuma...
1.the act of deviating. 2.departure from an accepted or established standard or norm. 3.the difference between one of a set of statistical values and some fixed value, usu. the mean of the set. 4.the error of a magnetic compass on a given heading as a result of local magnetism. ...
The proposed antibody-PDA composite PVDF membrane has potential for rapid, easy and selective visualization of the influenza virus. Keywords: antibody; polydiacetylene; polyvinylidene difluoride; label-free detection; influenza virus 1. Introduction Conjugated polymers are composed of alternating single and ...
Conjugation English verb to muff in several modes, tenses, voices, numbers, persons : indicative mode, subjunctive, imperative mood, conditional, participle form, gerund, present, past, future perfect, progressive.
Conjugation English verb to bus in several modes, tenses, voices, numbers, persons : indicative mode, subjunctive, imperative mood, conditional, participle form, gerund, present, past, future perfect, progressive.
It involves changing verb forms to express different tenses, aspects, and moods. Japanese verbs are typically divided into three groups based on their dictionary form endings: -u, -ru, and -iru/eru verbs. Each group follows its own set of conjugation rules. For example, to form the present...