Conjugate servir Conjugate decidir Conjugate trabajar How to conjugate reir What is the conjugation of torcer? What is the conjugation of relajarse? What is the conjugation of anfangen? Is 'ir' an irregular verb? What is the conjugation of mojar?
"Oh, bien, ¿se suponía que tenían quedurary servir para el trabajo?BRUMMIE ACCENT: "Oh, right, "you want them to last and work? "debedurarmas de dos años,"it's got to last two years, "¿Cuánto tiempo más van adurar?'How much longer are yougoingto last?
Al final, cuandoiniciemoslos viajes comerciales el sistema remoto servirá de reserva en caso de falla, de que el piloto esté enfermo, o...Ultimately, whenwe begincommercial travel, uh... uh the remote system will serve as a backup in the event of a malfunction or a pilot illness or...