Common Spanish verbs Should you run out of ideas, here are some Spanish verbs listed by their frequency of use on Cooljugator: buscar1 conocer2 contar3 creer4 dar5 deber6 decir7 dejar8 empezar9 encontrar10 entender11 entrar12 escribir13 ...
Conjugate Conocer in every Spanish verb tense including preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, and subjunctive.
"Aquellos que hablen de nosotros ydena conocer nuestra existencia y nuestros actos deben morir" ."Those who go out into the marketplaces and speak of us and give knowledge of our being and our deeds whomsoever doeth this shall die." ...
- Son los queduraron, sí.- The ones thatlasted, yeah. Algunos de esos asistentes sóloduraronun par de semanas.Some of those assistants onlylasteda couple of weeks. Aparentemente hay un prisionero, un ex nazi Rudolf Geyer, quien afirma conocer por qué los desmayosduraronexactamente 137 se...
We have none. Similar kak shit kan can kom come kry get kus kiss kyk look wen win Similar but longer Not found We have none. Random Not found We have none. Other Afrikaans verbs with the meaning similar to 'know': None found.
Example in MalayTranslation in English Shane Oke, Anda tahu bahwa gelombang membunuh baterai.Herþey yandý Shane. Without akü arabayý çalýþtýramayacaðýný know. Carol Porfavoor mundoo tahu bahwa gratis porfavorcito mengatakan '?Carol Porfavoor You know the mundoo Free por...
dice, So, I limped over to the urinal, and then the guy... the one that was standing right next to me... he says, cojeasteEntonces cojeaste todo el rato para conocerlo. So then you limped all the way to meet him. Tu solo.. cojeaste por ahí. You just... limped around. ...