Should you run out of ideas, here are some Spanish verbs listed by their frequency of use on Cooljugator: buscar1 conocer2 contar3 creer4 dar5 deber6 decir7 dejar8 empezar9 encontrar10 entender11 entrar12 escribir13 esperar14 estar15 ...
More Spanish verbs Related Not found We have none. Similar bastar be enough cantar sing captar capture chitar do chotar do chutar shoot a goal cintar Cintar cobrar charge cocear kick codear elbow coitar do cojear limp colear wag one's tail colgar hang colmar fulfill combar curve contar...
This is a lot of groundwork to begin with, so take your time. Everyone works at a different pace, and it may take a while before you venture from regular to irregular verbs. As you become more and more fluent, you’ll notice that these verbs will become easier to grasp—until it fee...
Spanish verbs Cheat Sheet PREMIUM Participles Present: dogging Past: dogged Present Past Future I you he/she we you they Present Past Future I you he/she we you they Affirmative Negative I - - you he/she - - we you they - - Present Past Future I you he/she we you they Present ...
Spanish verbs Cheat Sheet PREMIUM Participles Present: sleeping Past: slept Present Past Future I you he/she we you they Present Past Future I you he/she we you they Affirmative Negative I - - you he/she - - we you they - - Present Past Future I you he/she we you they Present Pa...
# Nadie quiere estar empapado ## Nobody wants to be soaked # # Santas O's, horneados con antigua cascarilla... de la época de Jesús... y empapado en jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa... tal como le gusta.Are baked with ancient chaff, carbon-dated to the time of Jesus, and...
Example in SpanishTranslation in English enorgullecerse Aunque el asunto de los gatos se pudiera justificar de alguna manera, es algo de lo queenorgullecerse.Even if this cat business might have been justified in some way, it wasn't something you ought to take pride in doing. ...
Example in SpanishTranslation in English abrumas - Louise... meabrumas.Louise, you'recrushingme. abruman Meabrumanlos males del aburguesamiento.I'm feeling really crushed by the evils of gentrification. Debiste estar abrumado cuando Kate se casó con tu padre.It must have crushed you when ...
Spanish 104 examples This verb can also have the following meanings: collect, gather, to gather up, to collect, to pay for something, pay Display translations Yo Tu Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted Nosotr(os/as) Vosotr(os/as) Ell(os/as) ...
Spanish109 examples This verb can also have the following meanings: to be in a boyfriendgirlfriend relationship with someone, to move or spread from person to person, to go, to take out, amble, to go by, ride, to go about, to ride, to feel, to busy oneself with, to elapse, to tr...