Conjugating Spanish –AR verbs is like learning your 123’s and your ABC’s. Once you know the pattern, you can conjugate every regular –AR verb. Also, you can tell if it is 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person singular or plural. We still have two more verbs: –ER and –IR. We’re not f...
parler le français comme une vache espagnole (informal) to speak French terribly, literally "to speak French like a Spanish cow" parler le français couramment to speak French fluently Parlez-vous anglais ? Do you speak English? Parlez-vous français ? Do you speak French? Voilà qui es...
Comment ça se dit en espagnol?- How is that said in Spanish? French Expressions WithDire Because it is such a useful verb, there are several colorful, opinionated idiomatic expressions that usedire. Among those are phrases such as: