For instance, "haber" is used in the formation of the perfect tenses. In the present perfect, it's conjugated as "he," "has," "ha," as in "he comido" (I have eaten). "Ser," on the other hand, is crucial in forming passive constructions and the imperfect tense, as seen in "...
Past perfect tense had aangesukkeld had aangesukkeld had aangesukkeld hadden aangesukkeld hadden aangesukkeld hadden aangesukkeld Future perf. zal aangesukkeld hebben zal aangesukkeld hebben zal aangesukkeld hebben zullen aangesukkeld hebben ...
Thepassé composéis a common form of the past tense in French. It's formed by conjugating theauxiliary verbavoirto match the subject, then attaching thepast participlecomplété. To put this together, "I completed" is "j'ai complété" and "we completed" is "nous avons complété." Theai...
We’ll get you started with four irregular verbs, conjugated in the present (and you can use one of the verb conjugators linked below to identify other tenses): Ser(to be) Useserwhen talking about permanent characteristics. Eu sou— I am Tu és— You are Ele/Ela/Você é— He/She is...
Conjugate Jugar in every Spanish verb tense including preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, and subjunctive.
Cuandoiniciasuna relación, debes partir de cero, y ser completamente honesta.When one begins a relationship, you must start with a clean slate and be completely honest. inicia "Cantata del Adelantado don Rodrigo Díaz de Carreras, de sus hazañas... en tierras de Indias, de los singulares...
Past impf. tense liderava lideraves liderava lideràvem lideràveu lideraven Tu Ell(a)/Vostè Nosaltres Vosaltres Ell(e)s Imperative mood lidera lideri liderem lidereu liderin Imperative negative mood no lideris no lideri no liderem
Conditional perfect tense zou gedoft hebben zou gedoft hebben zou gedoft hebben zouden gedoft hebben zouden gedoft hebben zouden gedoft hebben Du Ihr Imperative mood dof doft Examples of doffen Example in DutchTranslation in English dof
Faroese eita French intriguer,s’appeler, s’intituler, s’intoxer, s’intoxiquer, s’intravertir, s’intriquer, s’intrusionner, s’intuméfier, s’invaginer, s’inventer, s’invétérer, s’inviter, s’ioder, s’iriser, s’irriter, se invisibiliser German heißen Greek ονο...
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense decapase decapases decapase decapásemos decapaseis decapasen Yo Tu Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted Nosotr(os/as) Vosotr(os/as) Ell(os/as) Past perfect subjunctive tense hubiera decapado hubieras decapado ...