Similarly, -er and -ir verbs like "comer" (to eat) and "vivir" (to live) follow their distinct patterns. In the present tense, "comer" becomes "como" (I eat), "comes" (you eat), and "vivir" becomes "vivo" (I live), "vives" (you live). These patterns remain consistent across...
Add -antto the stem ofconquérirto form thepresent participleconquérant. It's used as a verb, but can also become an adjective, gerund, or noun in certain circumstances. The Past Participle and Passé Composé Thepassé composéis a common form of the past tense in French. To form this,...
Present perfect tense he coartado has coartado ha coartado hemos coartado habéis coartado han coartado Past preterite tense coarté coartaste coartó coartamos coartasteis coartaron Future tense coartaré coartarás coartará coartaremos coartaréis coartarán Yo Tu Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted No...
Beyond that, you'll also need to memorize the verb's conjugations in order to say things like the present tense "finding" and the past tense "found." A quick lesson will introduce you to the essential conjugations of trouver you'll need. The Basic Conjugations of Trouver Verb ...
We’ll show you how this works in the present tense with each of these verbs: -ARVerb Falar (To speak)-ERVerb Correr (To run)-IRVerb Partir (To depart) Eu falo (I speak)Eu corro (I run)Eu parto (I depart) Tu falas (You speak)Tu corres ...
Now, let’s take a look at the different conjugation patterns of the present tenses of the indicative, the conditional, the subjunctive and the imperative, as well as the imperfect past tense. They’re each built around a stem. L’indicatif(indicative) ...
Past tense sjirpte sjirpte sjirpte sjirpten sjirpten sjirpten Future tense zal sjirpen zult sjirpen zal sjirpen zullen sjirpen zullen sjirpen zullen sjirpen Ik Jij/Je/U Hij/Zij/Het Wij/We Jullie Zij Conditional mood zou sjirpen ...
Future tense lideraré lideraràs liderarà liderarem liderareu lideraran Conditional mood lideraria lideraries lideraria lideraríem lideraríeu liderarien Jo Tu Ell(a)/Vostè Nosaltres Vosaltres Ell(e)s Past perfect tense havia liderat havies liderat havia liderat havíem liderat havíeu lider...
Past tense heette heette heette heetten heetten heetten Future tense zal heten zult heten zal heten zullen heten zullen heten zullen heten Ik Jij/Je/U Hij/Zij/Het Wij/We Jullie Zij Conditional mood zou heten zou heten zou heten ...
Subjunctive of imperfect tense conduís conduïssis conduís conduíssim conduíssiu conduïssin Subjunctive of present perfect tense hagi conduït hagis conduït hagi conduït hàgim conduït hàgiu conduït hagin conduït Subjunctive of past perfect tense hagués conduït haguessis conduï...