Diremeans "to say" or "to tell" and it is one of the10 most common verbsin the French language. It is also an irregular verb, which can pose a challenge to French students. However, in this lesson, we'll go through the most basic conjugations ofdireand learn its various meanings. ...
French - DALF (278) German - DSH (44) Italian - PLIDA (414) Italian - CELI (524) Russian - TORFL (173) Spanish - DELE (674) Swedish - SWEDEX (38) Swedish - TISUS (34) Toggle navigation German grammar German verbs Conjugation of irregular verbs (strong verbs) in German Conjugation ...
Bebamos, hasta querodemosbajo la mesa... entre vómitos e inconsciencia.Let us drink, tillwe rollunder the table in vomit and oblivion. Bien,rodemos.Okay, let's roll. rueden - ¡Yrueden!- And rolling! Aquí puedes ver claro como el día, aunque a ellos lesruedenjusto a sus pies...
Escucha, tú me invitaste a tomar una copa, y, yo ... puede que tedierala impresión de que no estaba interesada, pero ... en realidad, me encantaría hacerlo.Listen, you asked me out for a drink, and, I-I may have given the impression I wasn't that interested, but... actually...
It is the same in English, Spanish, and French! Very unnatural if you do not follow the rule. All three languages have the same rule about using verbs after verbs. “They went(V) to get(inf.) a drink.”“I want(V) to go(inf.)”“He trains(V) to become(
Incidence of paediatric pneumococcal meningitis and emergence of new serotypes: a time-series analysis of a 16-year French national survey Lancet Infect Dis, 18 (2018), pp. 983-991 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [5] T Benet, V Sanchez Picot, M Messaoudi, M Chou, T Eap, J Wang, et al...
Mary has difficulty conjugating French verbs. 其他翻译 英语中文 conjugateadj(mathematics: points, lines)(点、直线)SCSimplified Chinese共轭的 TCTraditional Chinese共軛的 conjugateadj(mathematics: element)(数学:元)SCSimplified Chinese共轭的 TCTraditional Chinese共軛的 ...
Ben ik dan gedoemd om in eenzaamheid thee te drinken?It will be possible what I am condemned going to drink alone tea? De kinderen zijn gedoemd om hun leven in isolatie te slijten.The children will be condemned to live out their lives in isolation. ...
'Water' in different languages LanguageVerb(s)LanguageVerb(s) Arabic سقى,ماء Danish vande English water Estonian vihmutama French irriguer German beregnen, bewässern, tränen, tränken, wässern Greek ποτίζω Hungarian öntöz Icelandic vökva Italian abbeverare...
French enrouler, laminer, rouler German kugeln, rollen, walzen, wälzen Greek τυλίγω Hawaiian kaʻa Hebrew גילגל, התגלגל Hungarian görög, gurít, gurul Icelandic velta Indonesian berguling, berguling-guling, melinting, menggelinding, menggelinding...