Map KeyDistrict NumberRepresentativeParty Affiliation 1st District Donald Norcross Democrat 2nd District Jeff Van Drew Republican 3rd District Herbert C. Conaway Jr. Democrat 4th District Chris Smith Republican 5th District Josh Gottheimer Democrat 6th District Frank Pallone Jr. Democrat 7th District Thom...
Betz, Jake
Congressional district boundaries with Census and ACS demographic data. The data are available nationwide for Maptitude, TransCAD, and as shapefile, KML, KMZ, or GeoJSON.
But if the new map remains in place, the new 6th District is likely to elect a Democrat. And one leading possibility is a familiar name:Democratic state Sen. Cleo Fields, whoannounced his candidacyon Tuesday. Fields has a direct connection back to Louisiana...
This week, New York's Democratic-controlled legislature took up the congressional map proposed by the state's bipartisan redistricting commission … and largely left it unchanged. On Monday, after the legislaturevoted down the commission's proposal, many people assumed they would replace it wi...
Washington —The Supreme Court on Wednesday said it will allow Louisiana to use for the 2024 elections a congressional map that includes a second district where the majority of voters are Black, giving them the opportunity to elect their favored candidate. ...
The new map advanced by lawmakers would keep all of Omaha within the 2nd Congressional District, as Democrats had wanted, but also add neighboring, Republican-heavy Saunders County. The new district would also keep several conservative-leaning Omaha suburbs. ...
在Map Viewer 中打开 在场景查看器中打开 元数据 描述 USA 119th Congressional Districts provides the congressional district boundaries and the district representatives for the United States. The boundaries are consistent with the state, county, and Census block group and tract datasets. U.S. 119th...
"Keeping Lancaster County whole is very important to me because I recognize that our area is unique," said state Rep. Bryan Cutler, R-Lancaster. "That's going to be my paramount concern when I look at the map." McIlhinney said stretching Meehan's district to include a slice of heavily...
district attorneys, city and county advocates, judges, law school deans, members of the legal community, and “just plain folks” came together for a full day of discussion and learning. They left in agreement North Carolina isovercriminalized, and with a commitment to do something about i...