Read the full-text online article and more details about "Congress Faces Stormy Return from Winter Recess: Battlegrounds Range from School Choice to Partial-Birth Abortion" by Lambro, Donald - The Washington Times (Washington, DC), November 16, 1997By Lambro...
with lawmakers eager to leave town for a two-week recess. At the end of the day, little about the process of funding the government had changed. And there are few signs that it will be much different next time
One single Republican, Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, threw the Defense Department into crisis by blocking the promotions of hundreds of military officers, including some of the nation’s most essential four-star generals. He finally relented just before the holiday recess. And as Ukraine fights...
Nearly 20 miles away, the wastewater treatment plant was also submerged in the community of Hardwick. The city manager told CBS News that most of Hardwick's roads — 80 miles — must be repaired, or they will be rendered impassable in the winter. City leaders are also worried about how ma...