Related to United States Congress:House of Representatives ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. United States Congress- the legislature of the United States government Congress,U.S. Congress,US Congress U.S. Senate,United States Senate,US Senate,Senate- the upper...
LOS ANGELES, May 9 (Xinhua) -- Antonio Sabato Jr., an actor best known for his roles on several reality television shows, announced to run for congress in South California in the west coast of the United States. According to local KTLA 5, the actor filled documents to the Federal Electio...
Most parties in India are family-managed enterprises, where the hereditary right of succession seems to be a given, regardless of whether the successor displays any political ability. Even where there is no “dynasty culture”, the party morphs into an outfit run by one or more leaders, with...
Department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Guwahati India India Pericles Lopes Sant’Ana Federal University of Viçosa Brazil Brazil Brazil Cattaleeya Pattamaprom Thammasat University Thailand Thailand Run-Cang Sun Beijing Forestry University China China ...
The run down environment, hopelessly neglected social sphere and grinding poverty make for a dangerous political setting. If the central authorities commit a few more mistakes, the entire Russian empire will collapse like a cardcastle, breaking into a number of small states as was the case in ...
Senior INC leaders, including the party's newly-elected lawmakers, are holding meetings in the three states in a bid to form the new governments. In a day or two, the party is expected to announce the names of its chief ministers, or the heads of state government, in theses three states...
During the early part of the 1920s, the South African Native National Congress faced competition from the Industrial and Commerce Union (ICU) and the Communist Party, and this competition squelched the SANNC's growth. In 1923, the SANNC changed its name to the African National Congress, and...
When, as is sometimes the case, a run large enough to give all the fowls the privilege of afuple range cannot be had, it will be found a good plan to keep the cock apart from the hens until the breeding season arrives and then divide the hens into two small flocks with which the ...
Policy Statements of NSG exempt IAEA Sense of CongressHyde, Henry JPeaceful, United StatesindiaEnergy, AtomicAct, CooperationSigning, The PresidentSheet, FactUnited, TheAtomic, Statesindia PeacefulCooperation, Energy
Trump won each of the seven battleground states that political analysts said would decide the election. In addition, the vast majority of U.S. counties saw their margins shift in Trump's direction, both in places where Republicans historically do well and places where Democrats generally have an...