climbed to greater heights, and achieved self-transcendence again and again. The foreign principal and the Chinese principal awarded the graduation certificates symbolizing academic achievement and growth transformation to all the graduates and carried out a solemn tassel turning ceremony. This is not on...
As the AISG Band played "Pomp and Circumstance," our graduates entered the theater to thunderous applause and made their way down the aisle and onto the stage, beaming in their caps and gowns. Swipe for more pictures Director Mr. Kevin Baker, Secondar...
On May 23rd, the SIS community honoured the graduating Class of 2024 in the heartwarming Clap Out tradition. Students from all grade levels, from early years to secondary, gathered at the three campuses to express their admiration and best wishes to the G12 graduates. As the graduates made t...
我们衷心祝愿踏上遥遥长路的万源学子们,永远幸福,永远意气风发。Here came SUIS-Wanyuan Class of 2024 commencement hosted by 4 9th graders. In Thespis Hall, this year’s valedictorians reflected on the past. Our journey through SU...