This paper therefore evaluates the use of isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic to study the sorption capacities of congo red dye by mercerized sugarcane bagasse (MSB) and benzoylated sugarcane bagasse (BSB) in aqueous solution using batch experimental protocol. Data obtained show...
Removal of Harmful Textile Dye Congo Red from Aqueous Solution Using Chitosan and Chitosan Beads Modified with CTAB Color is an important aspect of human life. Textile industries are the major consumers of dye stuffs. Duringcoloration process, 10 to 15 percent of the dye... ShadeeraRouf,M Naga...
Improving the quality of maternal and newborn health outcomes through a clinical mentorship program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: study protocol. Reprod Health. 2019;16(1):147. Thompson JM. Understanding and managing organizational change: implications for public health management. J ...
Congo red (CR) is the sodium salt of benzidinediazo-bis-1-naphtylamine-4-sulfonic acid. CR is water soluble, yielding a red colloidal solution. It is used to stain cytoplasm and erythrocyte stain in histology. Apple-green birefringence of CR stained preparates under polarized light is indica...
solution w as added and incubated fo r 1 h at 37 。C . This reaction mixture was add ed w ith 2 mL o f 0.4 M o f t richloro acetic acid and incub ated fo r 20 min at 37 。C .The cont ents w ere fi ltered through W hatmann ...
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is a biosafety level-4 pathogen requiring urgent research and development efforts. The glycoproteins of CCHFV, Gn and Gc, are considered to play multiple roles in the viral life cycle by interactions with hos
Because when we saw that, we said to ourselves that the moniteur concerned did not measure up. That irritated the moniteur.” However, they did know that this superiority was not only because of the higher intelligence of the Sisters: “She also had help because she had the ‘solutionnaires...
Red blood drops indicate the days blood was taken, and the skull denotes the conclusion of the study when any surviving mice were sacrificed. Created with of vaccine groups and representative colors. GP38 EC50titers pre-challenge (c) and post-challenge (f). Error bars ...
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV) is a tick-borne virus that causes severe hemorrhagic disease in humans. There is a great need for effective vaccines and therapeutics against CCHFV for humans, as none are currently internationally approved.
A blocking solution containing 3% bovine serum albumin in PBS (Sigma-Aldrich) was added to the cells, and they were incubated at room temperature for 30–60 min to block non-specific epitopes. The primary antibodies for CCHFV N and EBOV GP were diluted to 1 ng/µl, and 100 µl ...